Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 30, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

1.       Trying to get ahead by anticipating and looking for opportunities.

2.       Focus may primarily be on work/ employment related things.

3.       The administration’s support to encourage changes and adaptations will be seen.

4.       Not anticipating bargains or profits; still spending/ investing will be higher.

5.       Budgeting habits will be seen as a good strategy in the long run to prop up finances.

6.       Numbers of fatalities will continue to show a downward trend.

7.       Medication and vaccination will be more beneficial if recommended supplements are taken.

8.       Exchange and dissemination of collated and cogent information will be useful.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

1.       The excesses in the mind and action seem to be on the verge of being exposed.

2.       Taking advantage in the relationship(s) one likely to create misunderstandings.

3.       Nurturing and realizing the value of existing understandings and relationships.

4.       Making sure the that fallout of indiscretions and high ambitions does no harm.

5.       Rising trends may not have added investments, bargains may not attract spending.

6.       Politics of and due to lack of information and misunderstanding could be undermining.

7.       Success may tempt to quell the aggressive and selfish posturing started earlier.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, DECEMBER 28, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Monday, December 28, 2020

1.       Exploring new relationships.

2.       Tempted to let imagination run.

3.       Camouflaging ones thoughts and motives.

4.       Spending on relations and relatives.

5.       Feeling strong emotions and desires.

6.       Trying to act meek and without courage.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Sunday, December 27, 2020

1.       Thinking a lot about friends, peers and things that make us comfortable.

2.       Many a things will be hidden and/or being pushed away from conscious sight.

3.       Children will be active and desirous of learning about faraway places and people.

4.       Bosses and leaders will be trying their best to increase their support.

5.       Some distortions in the abilities to enjoy comforts and pleasures.

6.       Desire to spend and willingness to be in debt seems to be acceptable.

7.       Feeling a little stupid and hurt; as if belittled or shown down.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Saturday, December 26, 2020

1.       Hangovers of many types will be present with some irritations.

2.       Hankering for the past with some sort of unfulfilled desires.

3.       Withholding many things or they may remain hidden and obscure.

4.       Children finding wishes and direction and continue to dominate.

5.       Credit lines continue to remain easy – expenditure in spurts.

6.       Violence and pornographic material dissemination may be on the rise.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Friday, December 25, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Friday, December 25, 2020

1.       Tendency to huddle into small groups – may also with interest groups.

2.       Finances and family and building stability continue to be the top priorities.

3.       Some notable development in the entertainment and communications sector.

4.       Children can display maturities beyond their years and also manage and lead.

5.       Cyclic spending and credit building will be seen to continue.

6.       Relief and developments in the real estate and education is likely to be in focus.

7.       Religion/ faith will looking for ways to invigorate the activity pattern with bounds.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Festive Greetings - New Decade Starts in 2021...

 Festive Greetings - New Decade Starts in 2021...

Festive Greetings to one and all....

The Brexit UK-EU Deal takes place on the threshold of a New Decade and the New Year.

So, seemingly it is very significant for the world.

It coincides with major Sidereal transit phenomena.

The same shall be covered in up coming posts.

Merry Christmas & A Very Happy New Year

Best Wishes

Astro - AKxyz

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

thursday, December 24, 2020

1.       A day when things seem to be fine and going the right way.

2.       Even the support systems seem to be stabilizing and working.

3.       Internal energies will surge but internal irritations and aggressions can appear.

4.       This can effect the emotional balance and one can tend to over do or say things.

5.       Politics of things may be particularly agitating and imbalances create unhappiness.

6.       The laws and logical conclusions will prevail, things may seem a little slow.

7.       Conserving one’s wisdom and being politely diplomatic and will help in success.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

1.       A day when you may feel enthusiastic and active.

2.       When one needs to be careful but also kind to less fortunate.

3.       Traveling and communicating will be important for relationships.

4.       Children will feel relaxed and will like to dominate proceedings.

5.       At times the good things may lead to feeling excessively proud, etc.

6.       Upward trends and discounts may tend to encourage spending/ investing.

7.       Some good news on the employment front may be forthcoming.

8.       Developing tendencies to be over aggressive and dominating may emerge.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

1.       The upcoming changes of many things will be on the mind.

2.       Try to forget your desire to be over logical and high strung.

3.       Strong mutual respect based on past relations will be present.

4.       Collaborative efforts and plans will enhance the work prospects.

5.       Opportunities and desires to be physically active will appear.

6.       Desire to cheat and remain aggressive will be present

7.       Balanced spending and investing trend should be present.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Monday, December 21, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, DECEMBER 21, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Monday, December 21, 2020

1.       A tendency to get ahead and take advantage of position and access.

2.       Misuse of laws and regulations or loopholes is not to be ruled out.

3.       Some financial irregularities may appear and may already being scrutinized.

4.       Maintaining price range of equities will be on mind, while holding on to reserves.

5.       Children will be in a comparative mood and be doing calculations about things.

6.       The new mutation’s virulence may not be very bad, and may promote good aspects.

7.       Those who are excluded from the mainstream need to be monitored and provided for.

* * * * *




Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Sunday, December 20, 2020

1.       Today the demeanor will be a little aggressive and active.

2.       Focus will be monetary, expenses, and how to ensure all support is applied for.

3.       Work related things will be active and new opportunities will be forthcoming.

4.       Income for work, second job, and self run businesses should show positive signs.

5.       Attention should be paid to identifying causes of feeling disturbed and over energized.

6.       Children may also tend to be over active and show signs of obstinacy.

7.       Fixing a little time to entertain oneself will be helpful and balancing things.

8.       Too much thinking and pondering will not help much – wait a for a few day by observing.

* * * * *



Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Saturday, December 19, 2020

1.       Preoccupied with things related to future, children and medications.

2.       New communication or notifications may prompt one to look into long term aspects of work, finances and partnerships.

3.       Managing the bills with the credit and earlier savings – things will look positive.

4.       Short travels, communications and consolidating relations with younger people.

5.       Children will dictate the proceedings for most all purposes, being a source of motivations.

6.       Challenging authorities by using somewhat different approach may not succeed.

7.       Overall a day when you feel you have the potential to achieve much on your own for yourself.

* * * * *



Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Friday, December 18, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - FRIDDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Fridday, December 18, 2020

1.       Feeling lost; taking support from past wins – will fill the gaps for future plans.

2.       The determination to do things will be mainly rather self-centered.

3.       Investments will be controlled and move with positive indications.

4.       Communications will be undertaken to reinforce group action & support.

5.       The rather aggressive application of monetary rules will be seen.

6.       Children will infused with active energy, and will be reaching out to friends/peers.

7.       Befriending will be more helpful along with real balance of power.

8.       Traveling should be done in a controlled manner to avoid recklessness.

* * * * *


Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Thursday, December 17, 2020

1.       A sense of insecurity with hope will be seen.

2.       Maturity will appear; from communications and introspections.

3.       There will be number crunching to take control/ ownership.

4.       Children will be in an expressive and talking mood.

5.       There will be celebratory things as the day progresses.

6.       Plans to cheat or mislead will be drawn out.

* * * * *


Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

1.       Undertaking assessment of the present circumstances.

2.       Looking at all the numbers/ accounts for direction.

3.       Connecting the dots and information for better understanding.

4.       Being steady but active rather than slow.

5.       Children sense and lead a change in lifestyle.

6.       Investments could be encouraged by positive response.

7.       Over ambitious goals may not be the right choice.

* * * * *


Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

1.       Affected by role of relationships, mostly good.

2.       Influence of governments and edicts will be there.

3.       In general seeking comforts and happiness;

4.       Remaining a little tense, and vulnerable to changes.

5.       Financial situation may be a little over stretched.

6.       Gains are seen as restricted and bound by debt situation.

7.       Children could be treated maturely and given responsibility.

8.       There will be increased work opportunities with changes afoot.

* * * * *


Religions are numerous, but God is one. Faith in God matters.

AKxyz – Astro