Monday, August 31, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 02, 2020

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

1.       Desire to have power and control.

2.       Filling in the missing information gaps.

3.       Hobnobbing with the powerful and rich.

4.       Expenses will be incurred to support plans.

5.       Investments and gains therefrom likely.

6.       Change of allegiance or boss/ job can be beneficial.

7.       Legal aspect of things will be strongly prevalent.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 01, 2020

 Tuesday, September 01, 2020

1.       An active approach towards family issues.

2.       Partner and children in focus for many things.

3.       Assisted and collaborative investments.

4.       Intellectual and sensual pleasures reduce negativity.

5.       Formalizing relationships and forging deals.

6.       Inability to procure information or understand will activate.

7.       Migratory influences increase.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, AUGUST 31, 2020

 Monday, August 31, 2020

1.       Preoccupied with children and future.

2.       Property matters should also be looked into.

3.       Pending compliances with government regulations may need attention.

4.       Available legal ways should be looked into for support and resolution.

5.       Resolving conflicts should help in removing some doubts.

6.       Actions and communications may be divided and done in segments.

7.       Plush with cash, tendency to over spend/ invest.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Friday, August 28, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, AUGUST 30, 2020

 Sunday, August 30, 2020

1.       Real Estate/ Property issues in focus.

2.       Need to be active but lethargy persists.

3.       Plans and legal issues could be discussed.

4.       Trying to work out the hidden costs/ implications.

5.       Work issues get complicated so on back burner.

6.       A sense of sadness and maturity

7.       Sickness issues dominate.

8.       Cures/ vaccines are kept away from scrutiny.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, AUGUST 29, 2020


Saturday, August 29, 2020

1.       Excessive debt for real estate may not be good.

2.       Having unexpected feelings of sagacity and maturity.

3.       This may be arising from satisfying relationship things.

4.       Focusing on tasks at hand and work achievements.

5.       Keep aspirations and ambitions reasonable.

6.       Extending the business acumen will be helpful.

7.       Be careful to avoid infections and unhygienic things.

8.       Balancing of two logics should not forsake the right thing.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - FRIDAY, AUGUST 28, 2020


Friday, August 28, 2020

1.       Keeping things balanced will be important.

2.       Vaccine/ medicines trials/usage could begin.

3.       Important laws/ policies could be implemented.

4.       Debt restructuring could be taken seriously.

5.       Future oriented spending/ investing in one’s control.

6.       Consolidation of comforts and relationships.

7.       Increase in jobs/ work in partnership supported by govt.

8.       Pleasant moist winds continue over wide areas.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 2020


Thursday, August 27, 2020

1.       Personal life and relationships may be in focus.

2.       A desire to spend may emanate from aspirations.

3.       Avoid the skewed/ intense perceptions and not hurt.

4.       Investment may wish to want the money back.

5.       Developing interactions to be able to understand what is in store.

6.       Comfort of wealth may be important to relax.

7.       Subsidiaries may be merged with the parent.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Monday, August 24, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 26, 2020


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

1.       A stronger tendency to be vocal and rebellious.

2.       Powerful and resourceful people seem to be mingling.

3.       Employment and work related things should do well.

4.       Investment in the future is more in the focus.

5.       Expecting profits and ownership rights.

6.       May be able to get cooperation and good terms.

7.       Legal aspects of financial matters continue to be in focus.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, AUGUST 25, 2020

 Tuesday, August 25, 2020

1.       Need to look into payable dues.

2.       Should study the legal and options for payments.

3.       Update the communications with the authorities.

4.       Jobs openings with offer to participate in ownership later.

5.       Consider positions which are up-gradable with performance.

6.       Making things too formal may not be very good; don’t be lax though.

7.       It may be difficult to keep instincts and emotions in control.

8.       Avoid very heavy drinking; it may cause issues.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, AUGUST 24, 2020


Monday, August 24, 2020

1.       Being strongly impelled to do a lot of things and work.

2.       Motivation is to succeed in promoting oneself in/at work.

3.       An unexpected to unprecedented romantic connection.

4.       Expansive lure for gain could result in effective losses to investments.

5.       The gains and rises could be somewhat false or misrepresentation.

6.       Trying to figure out the missing bits of information/ guidelines.

7.       Some cover up, even of some good news.

8.       New rules and regulations relating to travel and communicaitons.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, AUGUST 23, 2020


Sunday, August 23, 2020

1.       Self-confidence and a sense of importance.

2.       Feeling empowered and that one can make a difference.

3.       Politics will be a strong dividing and incapacitating influence.

4.       A growing sense of achievement and abilities to win.

5.       Seeking and arranging for medication/ vaccines.

6.       Mind is serious about financial and pandemic related things.

7.       Promoting relationships and communications and taking guidance.

8.       Willing to do small jobs and travel for the same.

9.       Reassessing and making emphasis of the education and skills.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Friday, August 21, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 2020


Saturday, August 22, 2020

1.       Spending on comforts and status items

2.       Loan repayments may come into focus.

3.       Mentally sober; working in enthusing oneself.

4.       Need to be more formal in interactions, even romantic.

5.       Activity in the field of socializing including less liked.

6.       Considering work connections with peers and joining hands.

7.       Collaborating and interacting to fight problems and disease.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 2020


Friday, August 21, 2020

1.       In expansive mood, could indulge in spending/investing.

2.       Also in authoritative and ambitious mood.

3.       May be tempted to leverage landed property.

4.       Investing in expanding business/ work related things.

5.       Driven by sober and past experiences for the future.

6.       Expanding cooperation with peers and employees.

7.       In the short term the future financial prospects may not fructify.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 2020


Thursday, August 20, 2020

1.       Future prospects, plans and resources will be prominent.

2.       Buying, taking over, controlling, etc. will be active.

3.       Cyclical spending/ investing is likely to be present.

4.       Trying to hide one’s aggressive intentions.

5.       High ambitions in combination with legal/ financial information.

6.       Luring, enticing, etc. will be supporting general approach to things.

7.       Too much information/ guidance can be present.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 2020


Wednesday, August 19, 2020

1.       Many drivers and motivations may be present.

2.       Intellectual clarity can be achieved before action.

3.       Some issues with aggressive policy.

4.       Unnecessary rebelliousness or takeover may be seen.

5.       Future concerns and plans in action, including investments.

6.       Excessive leveraging or bargaining tendencies may arise.

7.       Contribution of self to work place for increase wealth important.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, AUGUST 18, 2020


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

1.       Sorting out many issues, including from legal perspective.

2.       Attempts to get control of work situation.

3.       Not very keen to invest, but in spending on comforts.

4.       Future outlays and budgets may get attention.

5.       Taking positive steps to consolidate relationships.

6.       Cures/ vaccines from the virus itself may be researched.

7.       Opinions may not match with those of the officials/ govts.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Monday, August 17, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, AUGUST 17, 2020


Monday, August 17, 2020

1.       Balancing expenses and income.

2.       Changing work ethos and contracts/ terms.

3.       Seeking legal redress, protection and liberty.

4.       New jobs requiring services to help each other.

5.       Employment/ recruitment assistance will be in focus.

6.       Authorities will probably tend to take a firmer stand.

7.       Media may find a way around restrictions and controls.

8.       Sharing and discussing thoughts, ideologies, etc. with elders.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, AUGUST 16, 2020


Sunday, August 16, 2020

1.       Trying to strengthen and succeed in work related things.

2.       Compromising and collaborating with opposition/ partners.

3.       Readiness to incur expenses and some losses.

4.       Not giving up personal joys and pleasures.

5.       Some sort of family unity/ reunion/ togetherness.

6.       Combining and sorting out needs of the three generations.

7.       This may well include pooling resources and support.

* * * * *


Complex 8 billion bodies, minds, brains and hearts; things are never simple….

AKxyz – Astro

Friday, August 14, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDDAY, AUGUST 15, 2020


Saturdday, August 15, 2020

1.       Day of many carrots and many sticks.

2.       Driven by an immense sense of wisdom.

3.       Sharing is another way of investing sometimes.

4.       Driven by a very strong desire to do and enjoy.

5.       Need to trim ambitious goals and aspirations.

6.       Strong desire for work will make for legal structures.

7.       Wishing for a change, be it freaky.

8.       Try to remain in self-control and prioritize safety.

* * * * *


Survival instinct cannot be confused with anger….

AKxyz – Astro