Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

1.       Focus on self-growth could be seen in people.

2.       Money and control desires are likely stronger.

3.       Soaking in wisdom from many sources/ people.

4.       Spending could be focused and in collaboration.

5.       Staged investments may lead to some loss of control.

6.       Conclusions could be blurred and not very helpful.

7.       Seeking alliances to strengthen one’s position/ status.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

1.       Loan and debts may figure in things including repayments.

2.       Looking for the seed capital to purchase a new home/ property.

3.       Looking at the traditional sources of support and financing.

4.       Over spending/ investing may be seen.

5.       Excessive amounts of logic may cause of result in too many transactions.

6.       In general a little divided but agitated states may persist, internally and externally.

7.       The military and leadership remain under the perception of threat.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Monday, September 28, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Monday, September 28, 2020

1.       Desire to spend/ invest could be strong.

2.       Gains could be hidden/ muted.

3.       Using historical lessons, one tries to be aggressive.

4.       And rather motivated and ambitious about status.

5.       Some sort of rekindling old love affairs may happen.

6.       These could have some future prospects also.

7.       Some rather strong ingredients/ methods for cures.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Sunday, September 27, 2020

1.       Meeting smart people, or at least having that impression.

2.       Trying to make sense from all those communications and chats.

3.       Wanting to take the traditional and build upon it logically.

4.       Divisive politics could be harmful – still some will try to encash it.

5.       Organized, sensible democratic action seems a good choice to solve.

6.       Conveying your feelings and the affections and love can be reasonable.

7.       Persisting to reduce the impact of illness and animosity can appear.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Saturday, September 26, 2020

1.       Serious and trying to find more information.

2.       Sober socializing, communicating and learning.

3.       Planning the real estate investments/ changes.

4.       Over enthusiasm is not going to take things the right way.

5.       Serious and damaging effects of illnesses may emerge.

6.       Education/ training/ trading related work increases.

7.       Very infused to do too much which may result in angst.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Friday, September 25, 2020

1.       A relatively serious, intellectual and calmer day.

2.       Streaks of over optimism may not be helpful.

3.       Money for problem solving and enhancing work things.

4.       Investments/ spending more likely jointly.

5.       People will try to enjoy and be happy.

6.       Media blitzing by the authorities may be seen.

7.       Rules/ Law formulation may happen.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Thursday, September 24, 2020

1.       Deceitful and powerful political plays.

2.       Logic and conclusions will be important.

3.       Imposing authority may come easy.

4.       Feeling as if made headway and gains.

5.       Steady expenditures and investments.

6.       Government bonds etc. are preferred modes.

7.       Friendships, relationships, etc. may flourish.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

1.       Motivated by soft credit to invest in the future.

2.       Feeling secure and rich because of financial support.

3.       Politics of things, even at work, could hurt financially.

4.       Divided between real estate and expansion of money.

5.       Government increases its influence through policy.

6.       Increased research and collation of information for gains.

7.       Wanting to take charge and sort of get it all attitude.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Monday, September 21, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

1.       Encouraged to feel grand, motivated and greedy.

2.       In an activated state, but not entirely in self’s control.

3.       Avenues to make money seem legal and understandable.

4.       A desire to invest/ spend and be over active.

5.       Political rift and also a military rift.

6.       Over emphasis on intelligence and knowledge.

7.       Be careful of the ego and conflicting fall outs.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, September 20, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Monday, September 21, 2020

1.       Greed could lead to losses.

2.       Understand the consequences of availing credit.

3.       White collar jobs should increase without perks.

4.       Avoid random spending, focus on quality.

5.       Over exertion could come easy can cause ill health.

6.       Understand the guidance to your particular situation.

7.       Leaders will be acting to avoid any legal misstep.

8.       Opportunity to exchange gifts.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Sunday, September 20, 2020

1.       Tendencies to act rashly and indiscriminately.

2.       There could misleading talk and selfishness.

3.       Formality may bring some decorum to things.

4.       Looking for softer jobs with companies with good numbers.

5.       Pooling and sharing resources should be done carefully.

6.       Do not underestimate the work load- don’t over relax.

7.       Over analyzing small tasks may not help much.

* * * * *


Ruth Bader Ginsburg: You can give materially and take in as love in the heart and soul….

AKxyz – Astro

Friday, September 18, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Saturday, September 19, 2020

1.       A day when honest intellectual activities will be good.

2.       Positivity of relationships should not encourage aggressiveness.

3.       Plans to change residence/ home can be looked into.

4.       Children will tend to be aggressive with siblings.

5.       Hapless leaders may get lead to aggressive stances.

6.       Media and science may give something new.

7.       Opportunity to assert and be free should be used rationally.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions -

Friday, September 18, 2020

1.       Elements of unholy in self-assured attitude.

2.       Impelled by trapping compliments and pats.

3.       Wanting to rule/ conquer it all in some ways.

4.       A desire to work in a hidden/ surreptitious manner.

5.       Could land up giving profit to others and losing some.

6.       Spending/ investing in safer options is better.

7.       People will feel agitated and this may be a political impetus.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Thursday, September 17, 2020

1.       Attempt to build up credit/ creditworthiness.

2.       Focus on other’s money to build one’s business/ career.

3.       Investing/ spending loans faster for compliance/ legal reasons.

4.       More jobs shift into support services, including in government.

5.       Logical collation of information/ knowledge could be motivated.

6.       Angry ego could be felt at sometime of the day.

7.       Reduction in sexual desires, increase in serious entertainment.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2020

 Astrological Global Predictions -

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

1.       Attempts to get online a working long term model.

2.       Focus will be refined planning along with a robust work plan.

3.       A rational investment strategy will be seen along with gains.

4.       Increasing mobility, improving transportation, etc. in focus.

5.       Luxury segments and entertainment sectors will be good.

6.       Outlays for work/career improvement are likely to be seen.

7.       Collaborative actions are easily gotten online.

8.       Blind authority may continue to pursue greatness.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2020

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

1.       Relatively an intellectual day.

2.       Filled with lethargy and self-indulgence.

3.       A relaxed attitude to investing/ spending.

4.       No desire to make profit have value go up.

5.       Restructuring/ re-energizing/ strengthening family structure.

6.       Communicating and trying to bridge the emotion-logic gap.

7.       Improving relations to enhance future prospects.

8.       People will be made to feel empowered and of value to society.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro 

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2020

 Monday, September 14, 2020

1.       Financial gains from investments and savings.

2.       Travel industry continues to find challenges.

3.       Communications and short trips find favor.

4.       Changing picture of education sector inducts funds.

5.       Recharging/ reshaping family structures.

6.       Religious devotion/ fervor on the rise.

7.       Selling different future scenarios can be profitable.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro

Astrological Global Predictions - SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2020

 Sunday, September 13, 2020

1.       The excitements will ebb and sensibilities will rise.

2.       Assertiveness and passions will be less evident, but present.

3.       Communications and short plans will be more logical/ connected.

4.       Desire for activity and change can lead to disregard of the right things.

5.       The monetary relations will dictate need to heed wise counsels.

6.       Law, order, legalities will be important and justice can prevail.

7.       People in high places could take holidays and indulge in pleasures.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Astrological Global Predictions - SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2020

 Saturday, September 12, 2020

1.       Impelled to act, be active and spend to keep occupied.

2.       Expectations regarding work makes one act dominantly.

3.       One must trust the mature counsels and peers.

4.       Good logic should not be over extended/ applied.

5.       Focusing on success may spoil the process/ actions.

6.       Focus on the financial aspects of the work related things.

7.       Family issues can be resolved enjoyably.

* * * * *


Potential to give love is proportional to your need for affection and love….

AKxyz – Astro